What Does the Decline in Dementia Prevalence Really Mean?
Posted on October 15, 2018 by fvmemory_admin | Share
Posted in Dementia Research | Tagged in dementia prevalence, susan mcfadden, dementia, alzheimer's
A new study of over 21,000 Americans age 65 and older has shown that the prevalence of dementia declined significantly between 2000 and 2012. This sounds like good news—and it is—but you need to dig a bit deeper into the study to see what’s really going on. All the participants in this research are enrolled in a huge study of older adults in the United States called the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Beginning in 1992, researchers at the University […] https://www.foxvalleymemoryproject.org/what-does-the-decline-in-dementia-prevalence-really-mean/
Posted in Dementia Research | Tagged in dementia prevalence, susan mcfadden, dementia, alzheimer's