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Creative Care – Book Review by Susan H. McFadden

Imagine this: A world where people diagnosed with some type of dementia continue to experience joy and wonder regardless of the progression of their dementia; a world where communities view various forms of long-term care as places for engaging arts and cultural events; a world in which people living with a dementia do not need to be concerned about what they forget, but rather are celebrated for what they can imagine. Can such a world be possible? In her new […]

Nominate a Star Contest Winner!

Of the many nominations of local stars who’ve gone above and beyond for the community around us, our very own Kathleen Albrecht – On a Positive Note Chorus Director – was nominated and WON! The Fox Cities Performing Arts Center Broadway Across America – Fox Cities Series Nominate a Star campaign asked community members to nominate friends, family members, and colleagues. Jean Orbison, a participant and generous supporter of Fox Valley Memory Project, along with others from the On a Positive Note […]

A thank you from the Fox Arts Network

Fox Valley Memory Project’s On a Positive Note Chorus, coordinated by Susan McFadden and directed by Kathleen Albrecht, has joined a number of arts organizations in the Fox Arts Network (FAN) to say thank you to the community for supporting the arts during these challenging times. To read the full statement from the Fox Arts Network, please find it here. Thank you for your continued support.

Crossing: A caregiver’s journey – Book Review by Susan H. McFadden

I have read a lot of poetry by people caring for loved ones with dementia, but this collection of poems is by far the best in my opinion. It describes a journey of love and care from the first moments of being concerned about someone’s cognitive abilities, to the time when care is no longer possible in the home and a transition must be made to a residential care community, and then to death and grief. The book opens by […]

Social Isolation Affects our Memory

In the last few years, there has been a lot of research on the effects of social isolation on health and well-being. In 2018, the government in the United Kingdom created a Ministry of Loneliness and stated that loneliness is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. Little did they know how much attention we’d be paying to loneliness and social isolation in 2020! Earlier this year, a research article reported on a study of over 10,000 […]

On a Positive Note – “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer” Lyrics and Video

Last, but certainly not least, “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer”, the final song for the Spring 2020 song list! You’re sure to find just as much energy and enthusiasm here as you did in the beginning. Thank you for singing and dancing your way through the Sping 2020 song list with the On a Positive Note chorus! Hopefully these songs and videos have made you smile, tap your toes, and urged you to sing along!

On a Positive Note – “Under the Boardwalk”

Taking us to Motown with “Under the Boardwalk”. Yet another hit put together by Director Kathleen and her husband Bill and daughter Emily! This video will shoot you right back with the hair, the dresses, and the dance moves! Even if you aren’t a current member of On a Positive Note chorus, enjoy this video and join us in creating moments of joy right where we are!
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