Social Isolation Affects our Memory

In the last few years, there has been a lot of research on the effects of social isolation on health and well-being. In 2018, the government in the United Kingdom created a Ministry of Loneliness and stated that loneliness is one of the greatest public health challenges of our time. Little did they know how much attention we’d be paying to loneliness and social isolation in 2020! Earlier this year, a research article reported on a study of over 10,000 […]

On a Positive Note – “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer” Lyrics and Video

Last, but certainly not least, “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer”, the final song for the Spring 2020 song list! You’re sure to find just as much energy and enthusiasm here as you did in the beginning. Thank you for singing and dancing your way through the Sping 2020 song list with the On a Positive Note chorus! Hopefully these songs and videos have made you smile, tap your toes, and urged you to sing along!

On a Positive Note – “Under the Boardwalk”

Taking us to Motown with “Under the Boardwalk”. Yet another hit put together by Director Kathleen and her husband Bill and daughter Emily! This video will shoot you right back with the hair, the dresses, and the dance moves! Even if you aren’t a current member of On a Positive Note chorus, enjoy this video and join us in creating moments of joy right where we are!
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