OAPN Holiday Concert
On a Positive Note Chorus is performing your holiday favorites! Fox Valley Memory Project’s “On a Positive Note” chorus has offered people having a dementia and their care partners the joy of singing together since 2014. Directed by Kathleen Albrecht, the chorus will perform on December 2nd at 1 PM at the Grand Meridian, 2621 N Oneida Street Appleton. Special guests, Fox Sounds, will also join the performance. Masks are required to attend this performance. https://www.foxvalleymemoryproject.org/oapn-holiday-concert/Holiday Tips
Posted on November 12, 2021 by fvmemory_admin | Share
Posted in News, General | Tagged in holiday, christmas, dementia caregiver, dementia caregivers, dementia caregiving, alzheimer's caregiving, caregiver, caregiving, fox valley memory project, dementia, alzheimer's, dementia fox valley
Juggling being a care partner along with your usual holiday engagements can be a challenge. There may be family members who are not familiar with dementia and the disease progression in your loved one. There may be duties like cooking or hosting which are traditionally your role but could be too much to do this year. While the holidays may look different when your loved one has dementia, here are a few tips to help support you and your loved […] https://www.foxvalleymemoryproject.org/holiday-tips/
Posted in News, General | Tagged in holiday, christmas, dementia caregiver, dementia caregivers, dementia caregiving, alzheimer's caregiving, caregiver, caregiving, fox valley memory project, dementia, alzheimer's, dementia fox valley
Kairos Connection Jams
Posted on November 10, 2021 by fvmemory_admin | Share
Posted in Events, General | Tagged in kairos, kairos alive, connection jam, maria genne, dementia journey, dementia awareness, music and memory, music and dementia, dementia friendly chorus, dementia engagement, dementia friendly, community engagement, dementia community engagement, alzheimer's caregiving, dementia and the arts, fox valley memory project, dementia, alzheimer's
What’s a fun activity to do every Wednesday morning at 10:00 AM and is… A new activity to share with your loved one from the comfort of your home that invites you to move to music in fun easy ways in “perfection free zone” encourages you to feel good and enjoy the company of others to laugh, sing and dance? The Kairos Alive Wisconsin Connection Jam™ on Zoom! Join us every Wednesday morning at 10 AM Central on the Wisconsin […] https://www.foxvalleymemoryproject.org/kairos-connection-jams/
Posted in Events, General | Tagged in kairos, kairos alive, connection jam, maria genne, dementia journey, dementia awareness, music and memory, music and dementia, dementia friendly chorus, dementia engagement, dementia friendly, community engagement, dementia community engagement, alzheimer's caregiving, dementia and the arts, fox valley memory project, dementia, alzheimer's